BIG THANKS TO THE MANY SUPPORTERS who made The Civic Circle's "Raise a Glass to Freedom" celebration such a resounding success. We had more than 50 attendees in the "Zoom" room where it happened, and far exceeded our fundraising target.
If you missed the celebration but would like to watch it now, please click HERE or above!
We had a fantastic team, including Co-Hosts Jeffrey Slavin and Margo Reid, producer Danny Schwartz, presenters Michael Amilcar and Tony Nam, of the Civic Circle Board, and our talented auctioneer, Patricia L. Maclay, MD.
This event could not have happened without our amazing Host Committee and Planning Committee members, who knocked themselves out on auction baskets, sponsorships, watch parties, and promotion. Thank you all!
Teaching artists Munit Mesfin and Nick Newlin wowed us with their Hamilton-inspired performance. It was a huge treat singing along with Mandy Gonzalez and Tamar Greene, of the Hamilton cast. Other highlights included: