THIS CIVIC SUMMER we are excited to welcome Meredith Warden as our new AmeriCorps VISTA team member. Meredith joins The Civic Circle as a program development specialist, replacing Kari Jones Shapley, who concluded her VISTA assignment in July. Meredith recently received a B.A. in History from Oberlin College, and has worked as a contributing historical researcher for Preservation Pittsburgh, as a college writing tutor, and as an intern at the Library of Congress's Young Readers Center. Welcome, Meredith! We also thank Transform Mid-Atlantic for sponsoring this position.

CIVIC CURRICULUM became a new Civic Circle offering this summer thanks to a project sponsored by the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County. We now offer a web-accessible version of our unique, arts-based civic learning program for students in Grades 3-5. Standards-aligned Social Studies activities, multi-media resources, handouts, slide decks and facilitator guides will make our program available to teachers and educators throughout Montgomery County. If you are interested in learning more about our curriculum offerings and teacher training opportunities, please contact [email protected].
OUR TEAM CONTINUES TO GROW, and we are actively recruiting after-school teachers, teaching artists, and an AmeriCorps team member thanks to the sponsorship of Project Change Montgomery, which works to improve the quality of life for Montgomery County residents, particularly those in Southern Silver Spring. For more information about Civic Circle openings and to apply, please navigate to the “Join Our Team” page HERE.

OUR STUDENTS LOVE SERVICE-LEARNING, and one of the most consistent findings of our pre-post surveys is that participants leave our program “more excited about volunteering and helping others.” Students who participated in our after-school workshops in 2022-23 also saw significant increases in the number who could identify “how to tell if a story is true,” define “one way to settle an argument,” and correctly answer: “What is democracy?”
If you would like to support our programs to help grow the next generation of civil, informed, helpful, contributing and engaged citizens, please click HERE.