Thank You, Student Journalists!

The Civic Circle extends a huge thanks to student journalists at Silver Chips, the Blair High School newspaper, for their recent visit! Civic Circle students read Silver Chips, heard about what it’s like to write for the school paper, and designed their own papers in mock editorial meetings.

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News Literacy for Emerging Leaders with The Civic Circle

The Civic Circle was honored to lead a news literacy panel for middle school Emerging Leaders at the Montgomery County Commission for Women’s Legislative briefing on January 30. Students discussed why knowledge is power, explored youth-centered news sites, and learned skills for discerning truth from fiction. They also played a “find the fake” game, reviewing news stories that were both fabricated and real. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference! Thanks to the Commission…

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Civic Club Kicks Off at Weller Road Elementary School

The Civic Circle was excited to kick off its first Civic Club at Weller Road Elementary School with two outstanding assembly shows in January. Things got off to a lively start with virtual performances featuring the wonderful Lea Morris and Nick Newlin. The shows were simulcast to multiple 4th and 5th Grade classrooms, and students sang, moved, and interacted directly with the performers one classroom at a time. Thank you, Weller Road, and thank you,…

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Welcome, Ann Levin and Ericka Stevens!

The Civic Circle is thrilled to welcome Ann Levin and Ericka Stevens to our Board of Directors. Levin is an international health economist and president of Levin & Morgan LLC, and signs on as Treasurer. Ericka Stevens is Director of Contracts & Operations at Employ Prince George’s, and has more than 15 years of experience supporting nonprofits and grassroots organizations in grants management and capacity building. She signs on as Fundraising Chair. Welcome, Ann (left)…

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