Please join The Civic Circle for Civic Saturday on September 19th at 11 a.m.
To participate, click on the Zoom link below!
Created by Seattle-based Citizen University, Civic Saturday seeks to build community and inspire civic action with gatherings that feature music, poetry, civic readings and remarks that explore our shared values and identities as Americans. A civic analog to a faith gathering, Civic Saturday aims to help us make sense of our current moment, and spark deeper engagement in our democracy. Our topic is:
Black Lives Matter: What Will YOU Do?
Our distinguished presenters will include historian Allison Blakely, Patricia L. Maclay of the Montgomery County Commission for Women, and Leadership Montgomery President and CEO C. Marie Taylor. We’ll have music by award-winning singer and songwriter Lea Morris, and poetry by physician and scientist Anjali Jain. Remarks will be delivered by democracy writer and Civic Circle Founder Eliza Newlin Carney.
This event will take place via Zoom only. To join the Zoom gathering, please click on the link below.
Eliza Carney is inviting you to Civic Saturday.
Topic: Black Lives Matter: What Will YOU Do?
Time: Sep 19, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 2657 1907
Passcode: Civic
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Meeting ID: 827 2657 1907
Passcode: 839323
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Thank you! Hope to see you there!