Thanks to all who attended, helped lead, or expressed an interest in The Civic Circle’s recent Civic Saturday on the topic Black Lives Matter: What Will YOU Do?
If you missed Civic Saturday, or would like to watch it again, you can view it above.
We had stirring music by award-winning singer and songwriter Lea Morris, original poetry by physician and poet Anjali Jain, and inspiring readings and remarks from historian Allison Blakely, Patti Maclay, of the Montgomery County Commission for Women, and C. Marie Taylor, who recently left her post as president and CEO of Leadership Montgomery to launch Equity Through Action.
Thanks to all the community members who participated, and who joined in “civic circles” to brainstorm and share plans for civic action.
My own remarks invited listeners to take a small step, take a large step, and take a giant leap. A small step, because racism is rooted in everyday interactions. A large step, because democracy and justice call on us to engage in public life. And a giant leap because, for all the upheaval around us, moments of great disruption can create opportunities for change—if only we have the civic faith and imagination to seize them.
Thanks, too, to Seattle-based Citizen University for creating Civic Saturdays, and for making this event possible.
Please stay tuned for more Civic Saturdays! Our next one will focus on youth civic participation.