Voices of Democracy & Hope

THIS ELECTION HAS SPARKED strong feelings around the country, but the mood was uniformly positive and joyful at The Civic Circle’s Democracy Concert on October 26 at Busboys & Poets in Takoma Park. Poet Malachi Byrd set the tone with an original poem written for the occasion, “My Voice,” which concluded with the lines: “Elections are an opportunity, not a chore/Because my voice matters, and so does yours.”

It was a multigenerational event that featured performances of poetry and song by students in Greater Takoma Park, who joined us thanks to the collaboration of Carpe Diem Arts and Liberty’s Promise. Students from Arts on the Block also created a vibrant concert backdrop that proclaimed “Vote Now,” and youth from Action Youth Media documented the event with interviews and videography. We had extraordinary performances by Lilo GonzalezMunit MesfinNick Newlin and Gabrielle Zwi, and strong turnout from community members of all ages. A highlight was a collective poem written by audience members and recited by Malachi that echoed his opening poem, with the lines: “Don’t wait, do!/Democracy for me is Democracy for you.” Big thanks to all the collaborators and team members who made this event a success, and especially to our sponsors, the Takoma Foundation, the Maryland State Arts Council, and RTI International.

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IF YOU MISSED THE CONCERT but would still like to celebrate democracy, voting and youth civic engagement, you are in luck. The Civic Circle’s next gathering will take place on Sunday, December 8 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., a winter celebration we are calling “Voices of Hope: Inspiring Democracy.” Whatever the outcome of this election, our nation will need time to heal and restore unity.

Our featured speaker will be Kate Stewart, Vice President of the Montgomery County Council, and Councilmember for District 4. We'll also have delicious refreshments, creative civic activities, and more uplifting songs from Munit Mesfin and Lilo Gonzalez! We thank Arts on the Block for inviting us to host this event at their beautiful headquarters. Space is limited, so reserve your tickets HERE. For volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

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THE NEED FOR CIVIC LEARNING that lifts youth voices and empowers the voters and civic leaders of tomorrow has never been more crucial. The Civic Circle, too, needs your help to become sustainable as an organization. Please consider a donation in whatever amount feels right to you by clicking HERE or on the donate button below.