Big Bingo Benefit Thanks

Big thanks to everyone who made The Civic Circle’s summer Bingo Benefit such a success. We are very grateful to Denizens Brewing Co. for inviting us to host a Bingo night there, and for arranging for us to partner that evening with HeadCount. We feel a kinship with HeadCount’s mission, since they work with musicians to promote participation in democracy. We had great support from local restaurateurs, who very generously donated more than $250 worth…

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Civic Circle Happy Hour!

You will not want to miss The Civic Circle’s summer  benefit, which will feature Bingo, voter registration, and a raffle with fun democracy prizes at Denizens Brewing Co. in Silver Spring. We’re excited to be partnering with HeadCount for this event, a nonpartisan group that works with musicians to promote participation in democracy. Here are the details: Civic Circle Happy Hour Date: Thursday, July 11 Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Location: Denizens Brewing Co.,…

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“Vote for Me!” Debuts at St. Andrews

The Civic Circle was thrilled to perform “Vote for Me!” at St. Andrews in our debut school assembly, attended by an audience of about 60 enthusiastic Third, Fourth and Fifth-Graders. The show was extremely well received, and Nick and Lea performed with great energy, chemistry and panache. Nick and Lea played instrumental versions of “This Land is Your Land” and “Down by the Riverside” on the accordion as the kids filed in, which set a…

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Welcome, Manuela Ekowo and Hannah Rosenberg!

The Civic Circle is excited to announce two new additions to our Board of Directors: Hannah Rosenberg and Manuela Ekowo. Manuela Ekowo joins us as Secretary, a post that will make good use of her media and messaging skills. Manuela is a media associate with ReThink Media, a nonprofit that does strategic communications for organizations working to strengthen American security, rights and democracy. Her previous posts include education associate at Save the Water, and policy…

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Kids Sing America with LEA!

We had great attendance and audience participation at our Civic Circle show at the Silver Spring Library, “Kids Sing America with LEA!” The kids had fun putting our “Steps to Democracy” on the board—Listen, Learn, Choose, Join, Speak, Act, and Lead! They also enjoyed participating in our mock election, and they did a lot of dancing and singing along. Thanks to the Silver Spring Regional Center for helping underwrite this show, and to the Friends…

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