Catch up with The Civic Circle:
The Power of Partnerships
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STUDENTS EXPLORED RESPECT and peaceful conflict resolution (Listen!) this summer by working in teams to create animal block prints with teaching artist Trisha Gupta. Trisha invited the students to work on the prints in pairs, giving them the opportunity to practice compromise and conflict resolution through the process of creating an art piece together. The students then shared their prints with younger students, explaining their artistic process and the lessons they learned. The Civic Circle thanks Montgomery Housing
A Civic Spring and Summer!
Category: Uncategorized
SUMMER IS HERE, but the civic learning continues after a Spring semester packed with civic songs, poetry, dance and visual arts. The Civic Circle is pleased to be offering a summer civic arts residency in collaboration with Montgomery Housing Partnership for students attending Odessa Shannon Middle School. Students will explore respect and kindness (Listen!) with visual artist Trisha Gupta, and share their art pieces with younger students as part of summer service-learning. This continues The Civic Circle’s expansion
We Voted for Civics!
Category: Uncategorized
WE CELEBRATED VOTING, the arts, community connection and civic power at “Vote for Civics” on June 2. Gratitude goes out to all the wonderful speakers, sponsors, performers, volunteers and Civic Circle team members who made this a heartwarming and successful gathering. We gave our first “Art of Service” award to Busy Graham, executive director of Carpe Diem Arts, expressing thanks for her extraordinary arts and civic leadership in our community over more than three decades.
THE CIVIC CIRCLE EXTENDS HEARTFELT THANKS to the many sponsors, in-kind supporters and team members who have come together to make our “Vote for Civics” celebration this Sunday, June 2 possible. Thank you all for being engaged citizens, and helping support civic learning and democracy! To purchase tickets, please click HERE. To get a jump on our “Generosity Auction,” please click HERE. We hope to see you on Sunday!
Click HERE for “Vote for Civics” Tickets! Click HERE for Tickets! For Sponsorship Opportunities, Click HERE. To Donate, Click HERE or on the button below. Celebrate voting and democracy! Thank you!