Last year, The Civic Circle reached more than 200 students through our library and school shows, our first songwriting workshop, and our Democracy Rocks concert.
This year promises even more exciting milestones, as we launch our first after-school workshops focused on voting. We had our first workshop just last week at Making Home Possible (formerly Montgomery Housing Partnership) in Wheaton.
Nick Newlin and LEA kicked off the first of three Fridays with a performance of “Vote for Me!” for about 20 Third and Fourth graders in MHP’s after-school program. We also played a game with the students to explore how people vote, and why voting matters. Next, the students will write and perform their own original song about voting.
We’ll continue in the same vein later this spring, with after-school workshop over three weeks in collaboration with Carpe Diem Arts. In May, we have another free library show planned at the Silver Spring library, and this fall we plan another democracy concert, to coincide with the 2020 elections. What a time to be teaching students about voting!