Catch up with The Civic Circle:
Sponsor Vote for Civics!
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“VOTE FOR CIVICS” is right around the corner, and now is the time to register for or sponsor our June 2 celebration featuring civic songs and arts activities, and our first “Art of Service” award for the inspiring Busy Graham, executive director of Carpe Diem Arts. Sponsors at all levels enjoy free attendance at the event, and receive opportunities for social media shout-outs, program listings and logo displays, all while helping to inspire youth voting
It’s Springing Up Civics!
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THINGS ARE BUZZING for The Civic Circle this Spring, with a “Youth in Power” community gathering on April 17, the Maryland Civic Education & Leadership Summit on April 20, a “Families Celebrate Voting” open house on April 27, and our “Vote for Civics” celebration on June 2. Mark your calendars, and check out all the details below! YOUTH-SERVING ORGANIZATIONS, including The Civic Circle, will gather at the Silver Spring Civic Building on Wednesday, April 17
Families Celebrate Voting!
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JOIN THE CIVIC CIRLE on April 27 at CREATE Arts Center for a FREE drop-in activity to celebrate voting through the arts! Kids are invited to create an “I Voted” sticker and/or bling to wear and take home. Youth and Parents are invited to discover the poetry of voting, and write their own poem, blended poem or reflection on what voting means to them. Here are the details: Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024 Time: 11
Happy Civic Learning Week!
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CIVIC LEARNING WEEK launched March 11 and continues through March 15, and The Civic Circle is honored to participate in the Maryland Civic Education Coalition’s free, virtual panel for pK-12 educators today (March 13) at 7 p.m. Titled “Community Roots: Embracing Civic Learning with Community Partners,” the panel will spotlight fresh tools and approaches to civic learning in a lively discussion format. In addition to The Civic Circle, participating coalition members will include the Council
Voting! The Heart of Democracy
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BLACK HISTORY MONTH gave Civic Circle students an opportunity to explore voting and voting rights through activities and art. Students created a voting rights timeline, which included the passage of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act. They illustrated their timeline with hand-drawn posters, created “I Voted” stickers, and wrote voting rights raps. They also wrote their own poems and songs about voting with teaching artists Malachi Byrd and Damon Modarres, and created movement to accompany